Having my own studio space has not only helped with productivity, but since it’s located in a larger shared space, I’ve been able to connect with other Bay Area artists and makers. Through the course of being involved in that community I’m thrilled to share that SlimFold is featured in the current issue of Content Magazine!

Each time they publish an issue, they have a “Pick-up Party” to celebrate the release, allow subscribers to get their copies, and meet the folks featured in the issue. It was a lot of fun to attend last week and meet some customers as well as other artists and designers.

I honestly hadn't read a physical magazine in a long while but really enjoyed the experience of reading through all the great, well, content. It brought be back to the days when I'd devour each new issue of ID Magazine and Metropolis.

I'm a subscriber now and I hope you'll consider becoming one too.
Thanks so much @Rami! I’m so glad you enjoy it!!
This is the best wallet ever and i don’t think that i will change it ever