Thanks so much for your support and for patiently awaiting the new inventory. Many of you have wondered why i was out of stock and didn't have more available sooner. Well, instead of just doing a new run of the last one, I refined the design, had new tooling made, and sourced a new printer who specializes in Tyvek.
I took the time to make sure each step was done right and I'm really happy to say that everything is still made in the USA and I'm really happy with the quality.
Black/Orange, Black/Gray, and Gray/Orange are available again... and 3 new styles have been added to the line:
* Brown/Orange
* Blue/White
* Green/White
In addition to improving the printing durability, the ID window has also been refined. Check out the Features Page of the website for details and a short video which illustrates the changes.
I'm really excited to bring this new version to you and I hope you'll agree that it was worth the wait!
I wish I could trade my V1 wallet for the V2 because those look awesome and I like the new ID card slot.
Would love to see Orange/White V2. Will buy instantly!
Would love so see some photos (or video) of the wallet full and in someones pocket.
Love the new colors, Dave! Can’t wait to see people’s reaction with the blue one. My old gray one was a hit, so I’m sure this will be, too. Thanks!